San Matias Tequila Tahona Reposado 750ml
As one of Mexico’s most cherished craft tequila brands, we constantly strive to improve our tequilas, thus enhancing your enjoyment. While we utilize innovation and modern technology to extract the rich flavors of Blue Weber agave, in humble reflection of our long tequila-making history, our hearts, and minds turned towards the time-honored process our ancestors used for centuries.
To celebrate our 130th anniversary, we’re proud to introduce to you our friends and family San Matías Tahona. This handmade, artisanal tequila—made from only the finest 100 percent Weber Blue agave utilizing the tahona method —is complex and distinct, characterized by its earthy, vegetal flavors and aromas.
For tequila lovers seeking something new yet steeped in tradition, Casa San Matías is honored to unveil the expression of San Matías Tahona. It’s our first tequila produced entirely from the centuries-old tahona process—a method few tequila makers utilize due to its labor-intensive, costly nature.
The culmination of what we are, a 130-year legacy in the tequila-making business, is represented in our newest release. With every sip of San Matías Tahona, we hope you’ll taste the tradition of our more-than-a-century-long commitment in producing Mexico’s finest tequilas to share with friends, family, and clients.